๐Ÿ‘‰ This is the digital slay you've been waiting for! Learn how to set up your own e-commerce business and create passive income for as long as the internet exists. #theslaymethod #slaymethod #slaymission โคด

  • JD Slayton has created and operated numerous e-commerce businesses for herself, clients, and friends since 2005 - including writing, editing, illustrating and publishing six original titles on Amazon.com
  • Selling original firefly art on eBay and operating GlowBugGallery - The Firefly Painter.
  • Operating her own business websites, such as jdslayton.com - slaymade.com and - hydroport.life - and monetizing them with google ads.
  • Operating social media pages across the internet - from blog posts to video posts to image, art, and ai generated posts. All original content. I do tell you this to brag, rather, I tell you because you can do it, too!
  • From affiliate marketing and referral links, to paid promotions, products, and brand partners.
  • From selling your OOAK digital goods on sites like amazon, ebay, etsy, beacons.ai, redbubble, zazzle, fineartamerica, imagekind, cafepress, viewbug, rarible, facebook marketplace, nextdoor, via link in bio on instagram, youtube, tiktok shop, plus more.
  • Buying and selling domain names.
  • Creating and selling original NFT's (digital assets in the blockchain)

  • Do you want to start an e-commerce business but don't know how to go about it? I got you. ๐Ÿ‘‰
  • I have set up nearly fifty e-commerce shops since 2005. For my own business, clients' businesses, and for friends' businesses. The entire process takes up to one week from start to finish. That includes designing your own products for your shop rather than buying someone else's products to sell. Why market and sell other people's products when, with enough effort and determination, you can market and sell your own. You can do anything you put your mind to, actually. I believe in you. Slay this handy dandy Digital Business for Newbies: 101 - How to Sell Practically Anything Online Except Your Soul. e-guide to get your e-commerce business up and running today! #slaytheday

๐Ÿ’œ Christ Will Always Search for Us ๐Ÿ’œ

  • “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?"

Luke 15:4

โซ ๐Ÿ’œ Are you ready for your next exciting adventure! ๐Ÿ’œ โซ

Slay Trips by JD Slayton

Burst your anxiety away with these bubbles. Bye anxiety. ๐Ÿ‘‰

๐Ÿ’Ž Christ will always Fight for us ๐Ÿ’Ž

  • "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

- 2 Timothy 1:7

The Energy Theory

The Circle of Living Creation Energy Always Leads us Back to God. Always. God is Everything All at Once.

Life on Earth is our universally designated and ordained soul journey, so that through our own physical experience of individual sense awareness, we can witness the miraculous beauty of God's everlasting creation for ourselves, and ultimately - the true meaning and purpose of human life - find our way back to the source of our origination...our loving Father, God, our Creator in Heaven, Elohim.

  • It is...the gift of life.

Here, We are the Christ Tribe of One Love and One Uniting Light for All of Mankind.

Here, We Know Our True and Eternal God-Worth. We Rise Like Eagles with Wings and Shine Like Diamonds.

We glow like fireflies and sparkle like stardust!

We Know that Jesus Christ is King, and we eagerly await and watch for His Promised Return!

We know that Yeshua is the One and Only Son of Father God, Elohim, our creator in heaven.

Here, we believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and in doing so, He paid the price with His precious blood for our infinite spirits and eternal souls. We are saved and redeemed by a King. The Only King of humanity.

๐Ÿ”ฝ Free Surprise Slay Gift for You! ๐Ÿ”ฝ
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When God wants you to share a message, and social media doesn't cut it, you create and design an entire website devoted to the message. #ikr #meirl ๐Ÿ’œ

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Looks like I don't get any comments. Not even spam lol...hmmm, what's the meaning of this. Post some comments, folks! โคด

Sign uP for a beacons.ai shop right here! โคด

Slay you some original hot reels right here! โคด

Best mobile phone service since they made cereal in boxes. Get you some right here! โคด

Sure, other websites are great, but have you created with Canva.com lately? โคด

Become a member of the community! โคต

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Get Fireflies and Bible Scriptures! โคด

๐Ÿ’ฆ I sure do get parched...how about h2o not on tap. You can kindly buy me a bottle of water if you'd like, beautiful soul. I'd appreciate that. ๐Ÿ’™ โคด

By: JD Slayton the Author

We exist in all dimensions and all energy forms. We are past, present, and future. A past version of you exists in the past, in the form of lower vibrational energy, because the past only exists in thought & memory, so it's 2D - aka lower vibrational energy awareness.

It's referred to as the low flow in spiritual energy terms, and if you let your personal energy focus and get stuck there, you are being energy duped, and you wanna take back the power of your own energy by waking uP from spiritual slumber, because to knowingly cling to the lower energy alignment manifests a lower flowing energy existence for you in the physical, 3D world. The 2D, past version of you that is still trying to cling to you presently, because you are living energy in the present - the ultimate gift of existence - to be alive in the now - so because you are active and liv8ng life energy, your past, lower flowing 2D energy self is still trying to live your present gift of life energy in the now. #badenergy

Just as we, in 3D, strive to align with our better, higher 4D energy selves, our past 2D selves are always trying to cling to us for dear life. It's the only way that lower 2D energy of us can survive... #thecling #energycling

๐Ÿ‘‰ #mindsmack #soulsnack ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

We exist in the now, the full-on present energy version of us, projected into the real-time, 3D, physical world we perceive as life.

We exist as a future version of ourselves, which is the higher flower energy dimension and uP. We exist in 4D and 5D...and so on. All the way uP to 12D.


We exist as Past versions of ourselves (1D and 2D) - Present versions of ourselves (3D) - and Future versions of ourselves (4D, 5D and uP).

God is 12D and beyond.

God is ALL dimensions all the time. FOREVER. Beyond any concept or perception of creation that we could possibly understand.

But as for the infinitely living energy of the creation - us - we get the miraculous opportunity of experiencing 12 dimensions over the entirety of the eternal existence of our everlasting souls!


That's why it's like we are babies in the Eververse of God's Infinite Creation. Because we've only existed in three dimensions thus far. We are destined, however, to rise and shine and align with our higher flowing energy selves.

We are destined to awaken and ascend in energy awareness and perception of our mind power - as a chosen united collective founded on love and light. Instead of the limited 10% we've been existing with, we are destined to uPgrade in energy awareness with the promised arrival of our Eternal King Yeshua - Jesus Christ - when we will be gifted with the divine blessing of 100% of our brain usage and mind power. Jesus returns with the New City and the Kingdom Age - and all those who believed in His name and stand strong until the end of the human age will have their righteous place reserved in the New City in the Kingdom of God. #waitingforit

โœ…๏ธ Know your God-worth! #pleasedo

๐Ÿ†™๏ธ How to SLAY to your highest vibes.
๐Ÿ†™๏ธ How to know your God-worth.
๐Ÿ†™๏ธ How to awaken from spiritual slumber.
๐Ÿ†™๏ธ How to understand energy awareness.
๐Ÿ†™๏ธ How to align with your infinitely rising Christ-Energy and partner with God to live your best life possible.
๐Ÿ†™๏ธ How to answer the higher energy call of your eternal soul. You already exist in the future. Now you know! #circleofenergy
๐Ÿ†™๏ธ How to understand energy activation of your infinite spirit and eternal soul. Armor is not of flesh and bone, but spiritual armor, indeed.

#thup #younme #teamJesus #ChristTribe #onelove #onelight #onetribe #humantribe #universallove #globallove #unitedlove #Christunited #risinglove #risingenergy #livingenergy #spiritualenergy #spiritualcare #soulcare

Being Still

๐Ÿ‘‰ Pray Silently ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

  • "You know who" likes to MIMIC God, as we know, so the sneak also likes to dupe us by listening to our spoken problems and our prayers, and then he sends a fake blessing in place of the actual blessing God was sending if we'd had the patience to wait for it.
  • "You know who" plays on our lack of patience and our greedy sin nature, and tempts us with a quicker arriving blessing...but it is fake, and so you don't realize until shiz hits the fan...and then bam...it's like...
  • "I've been duped."
  • Ya snooze, ya lose.
  • True and true.
  • God can hear you in silence. He IS your silence, ya see.
  • PRAY SILENTLY. Always.
  • Also, don't speak stuff out loud that you don't want the sneak knowing about. Don't post it online or parade it to the public...me being an open and sharing person, learned the incredibly painful way...to just be still and shhhhh sometimes because prying ears of the sneak are listening all the time. The sneak has prying eyes, too, so armoring up in Christ energy is always our very best defense.
  • It really is like that scene in Lord of the Rings, when they are on the rocks and the birds (eyes of evil energy intention - aka - low flowing energy frequency) flew by and could see where they were and then relayed that visual energy back to the bad guy...his prying eyes and ears...just like the real principalities of darkness we face every day on Earth. Scary but true. That's why our immortal souls need Jesus.
  • Pray only in thought of mind and feeling of heart and soul and spirit. Don't even whisper it. Not an utter. SILENTLY. Because then, only you and God can hear...and NOT..."you know who"...
  • "You know who" can only prey on our past and what he hears and sees us do in the real-time present....not the future, though, and not what he can't hear or see in the now. #mumstheword
  • God is our Father. We shall not want. God is our light. We shall not get lost. God is our strength, we shall not get weak. God is our foundation, we shall not fall. God is everywhere...and God is all. #creationlaw
  • May it be well with your everlasting soul in knowing your eternal God-worth and understanding you are loved, adored, and infinitely cherished by the greatest dad in the entire Eververse
  • That's why a personal relationship with God is so intimate and true and pure...because it's between just GOD and YOU.
  • That's why it's like...lift a rock...and there you'll find God. Because God is all and everything at the same time...you and me and the air we breathe...all God. We are His creation! We are so beautiful!
  • It's like that visa comm...GOD is Everywhere you wanna be!
  • If you could imagine a baby in the womb for nine months, and the baby being alive and aware, and us being in the outer world, and not in the womb with the baby, and we couldn't understand in our outer world state what kind of existence or energy awareness that baby might experience in the womb of their mother for that nine months, but that is a good example of how it is for us living our physical lives on Earth, as if we are in the womb of God and we belong to God like a baby belongs to its mother, and only its mother for that nine months. We belong to God and only to God, and He claims us as His children, because He carries us in His everlasting creation womb...but just like a pregnant woman can be attacked from the outside world...and her womb attacked...we, too, have been attacked by an outside force called...the darkness of the lower flowing energy frequency known as names like d-vil and h-ll.
  • But have you ever seen a pregnant woman protect her womb and fight for her unborn baby's life and protection. #ikr
  • It's like...we've been unborn to the Eververse of all of God's creation...as if living a life on Earth is our journey of rebirth into His creation womb...like a baby returning home to the womb of its mother after living a wretched year in the physical world. We live and then our journey is to find our way back to the womb of our creator. We are born as flesh to be reborn as spirits in the higher dimensions of heaven and future, where Jesus Christ is...and where eternal life is real.
  • God protects and holds and keeps us in His tender loving mercy and grace every day just as a mother does for the unborn baby inside her womb. It's True Love, the truest of LOVE for me and you.
  • PRAY SILENTLY. Always.
  • God hears you. Only God and you know now. #slaytheday

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